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PSTN Switch Off

The UK is gearing up for a significant technological transformation with the planned switch-off of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) by 31 January 2027. This marks the end of an era for traditional landline phone connections that have been a staple in homes and businesses for decades. The historic analogue network, used to make most phone calls from landlines and also for broadband services, will soon be replaced by a new digital phone network.

The transition from PSTN to digital lines represents a move towards a future-proof, more reliable, and dependable broadband service that will support the UK for years to come. This change brings numerous benefits, including higher quality voice calls, fewer faults, and reduced maintenance. Additionally, digital lines are better for the environment, contributing to the UK's sustainability goals.

As the switch-off date approaches, businesses and consumers still relying on the PSTN will need to upgrade to newer technologies like fibre broadband or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The new digital network will support the next generation of voice calls, providing higher quality and more dependable communication solutions.

This transition will affect almost everything currently connected to an analogue telephone wall socket. Businesses, in particular, will need to consider alternative communication solutions to avoid disruptions to their operations.

With our expertise in fibre broadband, VoIP, and other emerging technologies, we can help businesses transition smoothly to a post-PSTN era.  The move away from the PSTN is an opportunity to modernise communication infrastructure across the UK. Businesses that proactively adopt digital communication solutions will be better positioned to benefit from improved service reliability, enhanced call quality, and more efficient maintenance processes.

Preparing for the PSTN switch-off involves several key steps. Firstly, businesses should conduct an audit of their current communication infrastructure to identify which systems and devices rely on the PSTN. Next, they should explore the available digital alternatives and develop a migration plan that minimises disruption. Finally, partnering with experts like Kick can ensure a seamless transition, leveraging our knowledge and experience to find the best solutions tailored to each business's unique needs.

The countdown to 31 January 2027 has begun, and the clock is ticking for businesses and consumers to make the necessary preparations. By embracing the new digital network, the UK is setting the stage for a more connected, efficient, and sustainable future. Kick is committed to supporting this transition and helping our customers succeed in the digital age. Whether it's through upgrading to fibre broadband, implementing VoIP systems, or exploring other innovative communication technologies, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

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What services will be impacted by the PSTN switch-off?

Voice services

Traditional landline phone connections (analogue lines / ISDN2 / ISDN300) will no longer be available, and businesses will need to switch to alternative voice services, such as VoIP.

Broadband services

The PSTN has been a bottleneck for broadband speeds, so businesses will need to upgrade to new technologies, such as full fibre, in order to benefit from faster and more reliable broadband.

Alarm and security systems

Many alarm and security systems currently use PSTN connections to communicate with monitoring services, so businesses will need to upgrade to alternative technologies to ensure the continued security of their premises.

Payment systems

Some payment systems, such as PDQ machines, currently use PSTN connections to process transactions, so businesses will need to upgrade to newer technologies to ensure uninterrupted payment processing.

Fax services

Traditional fax services also use PSTN connections, so businesses will need to switch to alternative technologies, such as online fax services, to continue sending and receiving faxes.

Conference calling services

Some conference calling services rely on PSTN connections, so businesses will need to switch to alternative services that use internet-based technologies.

Common Questions

The PSTN switch-off is the process of phasing out the traditional landline phone network in the UK. This means that businesses will need to switch to alternative communication solutions, such as VoIP or fibre broadband.

The switch-off is scheduled to take place by the end of January 2027, although some areas may switch off earlier than others.

The switch-off will impact businesses that rely on traditional landline phone connections, as well as other services that use PSTN connections, such as security systems, payment systems, and conference calling services. Businesses will need to upgrade to new communication solutions, such as fibre broadband or VoIP, to ensure uninterrupted communication.

Businesses can prepare for the switch-off by conducting a communication audit to assess their current communication needs and identify areas where they may need to upgrade to new solutions. Working with a technology solutions provider like Kick can also help businesses navigate the switch-off and find the best communication solutions to meet their needs.

Alternative SIP solutions to traditional landlines include fibre broadband, VoIP, mobile, and unified communications solutions that combine multiple communication methods, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and file sharing.

Kick can help businesses prepare for the switch-off by providing communication audits, network assessments, and tailored communication solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses in different industries. Our team of experts has extensive experience in fibre broadband, VoIP, and other technologies, making us well-equipped to assist businesses in the transition to a post-PSTN era.


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