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Microsoft Azure: making enterprise-grade technologies available to all

Prior to the introduction of the cloud, enterprise-grade technologies were available only to bigger corporate businesses and organisations; those with much greater budgets and expertise.

Nowadays, due to the pace at which cloud computing has developed, market-leading tech solutions are so much more accessible, and not to mention affordable.

Cloud computing has reduced the need for businesses to invest heavily in expensive on-premises infrastructure, which for some businesses is simply not an option.

In this blog, we look at how Azure allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to access enterprise-grade solutions.


Flex up and down as you need

One of the greatest benefits of cloud computing solutions such as Azure is its elasticity. What this means for businesses is that they can scale up or down as they see fit. For example, if a business has seasonal peaks and needs to temporarily scale what it is doing for a short period of time, they can do. And when this requirement is no longer there, they can simply scale back without being left with expensive tech.

With this model of consumption, businesses can test the water before committing fully, ensuring that a particular Azure solution is right for their specific needs.


Transparent pricing

With Azure, what you see is what you get. There are few things worse than being hit with hidden costs when you sign a contract. With Azure, you pay only for what you use. If that isn’t enough, Azure also offers cost management tools to help businesses monitor and control their spending.


Comprehensive security

Microsoft Azure runs in geographically dispersed datacentres that comply with key industry standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and NIST SP 800-53, for security and reliability.

Additionally, Microsoft offer a comprehensive range of security features and services to help you start protected against emerging threats. Prevent unauthorised with Microsoft Entra ID, multi-factor authorisations, condensational access and identity protection. Maintain a strong security posture and get advanced threat protection with Defender for Cloud Security Posture Management and Cloud Workload Protection Platform.


An extensive solution range

With Azure, businesses no longer have to juggle solutions across multiple vendors. Instead, they have one central place for every solution they need. Not only does this make it easier for businesses to find a solution for their needs, but it makes vendor management so much easier.

Across the Azure range, businesses can take advantage of solutions to support with everyday requirements such as the safe automated backing up of data, site recovery protocols, and virtual desktop infrastructure, through to more sophisticated needs including developing and running Web applications, database management and high-performance computing.


Exceptional product support

Having access to solutions is one thing, but being able to use them effectively is another. Microsoft prides itself on its range of support and learning resources, including documentation, tutorials and its popular community form, which each make it easier for businesses to find the information they need or troubleshoot.


Ready to adopt Azure across your business?

Take advantage of the benefits that Azure has to offer. Get in touch with our expert team to explore how the Azure solution range can help you to solve common business problems and drive growth.